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Transformational, systemic coaching

Consciousness & Action

Leadership & Life coaching
I can help you

I will personally assist you :

Get through challenging Life transitions / Create balance and meaning / Make optimal use of your emotional intelligence / Communicate with integrity and Influence/ Transform limiting patterns and beliefs / Increase your LEADERSHIP and creativity

Eve Briere coaching
Philosopher coach
Transformational coaching

I fell in love with philosophy at the age of 14, and had the privilege of forging my path in a lovely act of balance between my intuition, my passion, and my reason.


I had a "first life", shaped by my passion for soccer. I was a diligent and technical player with an excellent vision of the game, often elected as team captain. At 18, I realized my dream of earning a scholarship to play and study in the United States.


Driven by existential questions about power dynamics and the human condition, I opted for a degree in International Affairs, with a minor in philosophy. As an honors student, I capped my BA with an internship at a well-known human rights organization, based in San Francisco.


My "second life" soon began. I entered  Master’s degree at the California Institute of Integral Studies. The Philosophy & Consciousness program was about developing authentic leadership in the midst of civilizational change.

I learned about the history and evolution of human consciousness, studying deep psychology as well as various Western and non-Western wisdom traditions.


I also discovered how, unconsciously, I'd used my intellect to pacify my level of sensitivity. So, I decided to embrace this superpower, and dedicated the following year to the realm of emotional and somatic intelligence, practicing physical theater, contemporary dance, yoga, etc.


Returning to Quebec, I first became a college teacher but felt called to take a more holistic leadership role. That's when I learned about NLP coaching, and decided to become a professional coach.


Now in "my third life," well-equipped to assist my clients towards their own self-leadership and transformation, I see how my unconventional journey, still, makes perfect sense. 


I am a holistic philosopher coach, armed with an acute intellectual and emotional capacity to lead transitions and hold human complexity.


Always a team player, nothing makes me happier than to co-create deep authentic human partnerships with my coachees.


I hold the conviction that leadership is, in a diversity of forms and contexts, within everyone.

That's why I am at your service.


The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines professional coaching as "Partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership."

Professional coaching is not psychotherapy, nor is it advising or mentorship.

I'll offer you DEEP LISTENING and QUESTIONING, EXERCISES, and TOOLS that will enable you to access your own truths and make your own choices.


You may click on the various pieces of the mosaic below to discover some of the tools and techniques I use.



NLP is a toolbox and an art. NLP takes a deep look at the processes by which we encode our experiences and thoughts. We can then choose to "update" these processes to achieve optimal results. NLP exercises mobilize imagination (visualisation) and creativity to generate new neural connections. NLP transforms our way of communicating with ourselves and with others.



This highly powerful process allows you to dialogue with these different voices or "parts" that come alive within your psyche, and that may give you a hard time. You may already know "the inner critic," "the perfectionist part", or "the inner child"? These are parts I frequently encounter. But do you really know their intentions? And do you actually want to let them drive your life? The "transfo" offers a key to inner peace, self-leadership and self-realization.



Often used at the beginning of the process, this series of specific questions helps to establish a realistic, specific, tangible, motivating, and fully-aligned goal for the coachee. Offering an objective view on the objective (hihi), this exercise frequently leads to some initial insights. The objective framework helps identify priorities and steps, with the aim of reaching the target.



SOAR is a problem-solving method that focuses on solutions, strengths, and resources already present within the individual and their environment, rather than on analyzing the causes and problems themselves. By focusing on what works, it creates a sense of empowerment and responsibility in individuals. Fostering a positive mindset oriented towards creativity and action, it enhances self-confidence and motivation.



Developed by Marshall Rosenberg, NonViolent Communication fosters stronger collaboration between people, through improved understanding and empathy towards self and others. Powerful in both personal and professional interactions, it focuses on identifying and expressing feelings and needs rather than judgments or blame, leading to more harmonious relationships and effective conflict resolution.



Growing mindful is an integral part of any coaching process. Practicing mindfulness, one sharpens attention, in the immediate moment, to what is truly happening. Mindfulness will also help: - stress management - enhanced concentration - decision making - healthy relationships. In short, mindfulness is one of the keys of great leadership.



Profoundly intelligent, our body holds our programming, and it holds a key for the work. Our movements, breathing, posture, gestures, speak tons. Dropping down into the body, new awareness opens to more choices for action. And we can train new experiences of ourselves. A new realization will happen in a split second, but it'll take sustained awareness and embodied practice for change to become truly tangible.



I have studied linguistics and learned several languages. I pay very close attention to words. The words we use say a lot about how we think and perceive ourselves and the world. Words have roots... that can lead us to new information and perspectives. In this vein, did you know that the same Chinese pictogram means both "crisis" and opportunity ? And ultimately, as most wisdom traditions have highlighted, words have power to create the world.



Integral Theory, developed by Ken Wilber, aims to schematize the total complexity of existence. Its key concepts include: - Spiral dynamics spiral - consciousness evolution - The quadrants : inner/outer // individual/collective Interdisciplinary at its core, this combines Western and non-Western greater wisdoms in a coherent manner. It offers a vision of the world that is both inclusive and evolutionary.



In group or individually, this approach created by Bert Hellinger illuminates the unconscious intricacies that influence individuals within a system. Using spatial representation and somatic intelligence, we explore dynamics, blockages, conflicts, imbalances, etc. Symbolic work then allows us to restore harmony and balance within the system, thereby liberating the individual being constellated. This work opens up to another paradigm and yields surprising results!



Eco-psychology blends knowledge & questions from these two systemic sciences. It offers important analyses and practices, such as the "Work that Reconnects," which I facilitate in workshops. Ecopsychology echoes wisdom indigenous peoples have carried to this day: Our psyche and the Earth's health are inter-related. The ecological crisis is catalyzing many of us into a major ethical repositioning. I'll be honored to assist the emergence of your leadership in these momentous times.



I'm deeply passionate about neuroscience in general, and PVT in particular, so I integrate these notions and offer practical tools, throughout coaching sessions. Understanding the nervous system's regulating responses to stress and social interactions, leaders can: 1) better manage their own emotional reactions 2) foster environments that promote psychological safety and belonging, which, research shows, is the number one factor leading to increased motivation, engagement.



My empathy runs deep. I commit to pursue my own journey—getting coached, taking care of my balance and my visions—so as to remain, myself, an inspiration and a leader in this "Transformationnal" era. (Wilber's term) Note: "The term 'agapé' originates from Greek and is used to describe a type of deep and unconditional love, often associated with altruistic and selfless love."


“Ève is a attentive coach, with challenging and powerful questions, which have allowed me to look at what I was experiencing, feeling, envisioning from a different perspective, and to build something new, more stimulating and concrete from it. I recommend Ève to all those who wish to reconsider their way of doing things in order to evolve profoundly.”..”


Heart-based manager

PCC Coach Quebec
Insurance for coaching
Syma coaching
Neurolinguistic programming coach
Integral philosophy
Tel: 581-578-6018
Email: [email protected]
Québec city,
Working online, around the globe!

Thanks for reaching out

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